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Effect of Muscle Energy Technique with Deep Friction Massage on Pain, Disability and Internal Rotation Range of Motion of Hip Joint in Individuals with Piriformis Syndrome

1 Cooperative Institute of Health Sciences, Thalassery, Kannur, Kerala, India
2 Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgeries, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3 Hamilton Physio and Rehab, Canada
4 (Dept. of Medical Biochemistry) Cooperative Institute of Health Sciences, Thalassery, Kannur, Kerala, India

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Background: Piriformis Syndrome (pseudo sciatica) is caused by pressure of an injured or irritated piriformis muscle which leads to neuritis of branches of the sciatic nerve; mimics the signs and symptoms of low back pain. Due to high incidence of low back pain in our society, P.S frequently goes unrecognized or misdiagnosed in clinical settings.

Method: Patients with piriformis syndrome were screened for inclusion and exclusion criteria after detailed assessment. 30 patients who meet the inclusion criteria were grouped into 2groups (15 patients in each group). Control group received UST and piriformis muscle stretching and experimental group received MET with DFM. Treatment period was about 30-40min each session in regular period of 6 days for a week for both groups.

Outcome Measures: Oswestry Disability Index, Visual Analogue Scale, Standard Goniometer

Results: Statistical analysis of intergroup significance by Mann Whitney U-test for IR ROM (sig.0.000 < p = 0.05) and independent sample t-test for VAS (t = 2.895 > table value, t = 2.048) and ODI (t = 4.842 > table value, t = 2.048) reveals that experimental group shows significant difference between pre test and post test values of IR ROM, VAS and ODI than that in the control group.

Conclusion: experimental group who received MET along with DFM shows greater improvement on pain, disability and IR ROM in individuals with piriformis syndrome than those in the control group who received U.S.T and piriformis muscle stretching.


Piriformis Syndrome, MET, DFM.
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  • Effect of Muscle Energy Technique with Deep Friction Massage on Pain, Disability and Internal Rotation Range of Motion of Hip Joint in Individuals with Piriformis Syndrome

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Nithya Narayanan Kutty
Cooperative Institute of Health Sciences, Thalassery, Kannur, Kerala, India
Saad Siddeeque
Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgeries, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Heiskrujam Tamphaibema
Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgeries, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgeries, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Nishanth Othayoth
Hamilton Physio and Rehab, Canada
C. P. Bineesh
(Dept. of Medical Biochemistry) Cooperative Institute of Health Sciences, Thalassery, Kannur, Kerala, India


Background: Piriformis Syndrome (pseudo sciatica) is caused by pressure of an injured or irritated piriformis muscle which leads to neuritis of branches of the sciatic nerve; mimics the signs and symptoms of low back pain. Due to high incidence of low back pain in our society, P.S frequently goes unrecognized or misdiagnosed in clinical settings.

Method: Patients with piriformis syndrome were screened for inclusion and exclusion criteria after detailed assessment. 30 patients who meet the inclusion criteria were grouped into 2groups (15 patients in each group). Control group received UST and piriformis muscle stretching and experimental group received MET with DFM. Treatment period was about 30-40min each session in regular period of 6 days for a week for both groups.

Outcome Measures: Oswestry Disability Index, Visual Analogue Scale, Standard Goniometer

Results: Statistical analysis of intergroup significance by Mann Whitney U-test for IR ROM (sig.0.000 < p = 0.05) and independent sample t-test for VAS (t = 2.895 > table value, t = 2.048) and ODI (t = 4.842 > table value, t = 2.048) reveals that experimental group shows significant difference between pre test and post test values of IR ROM, VAS and ODI than that in the control group.

Conclusion: experimental group who received MET along with DFM shows greater improvement on pain, disability and IR ROM in individuals with piriformis syndrome than those in the control group who received U.S.T and piriformis muscle stretching.


Piriformis Syndrome, MET, DFM.
