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Dermatoglyphics and ABO Blood Groups, an Observational Study

1 (GPRST1 with the East Cumbria GP Training Programme), Education Centre, Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle, Cumbria- CA2 7HY, United Kingdom
2 Dept. of Physiology, Government Medical College, Gandhinagar, Kottayam, Kerala, India

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Objectives: (a) To study distribution of finger print pattern among the subjects having different ABO and Rh blood group and (b) Identify any relation between their characters and blood groups.

Methods: 313 students at PIMS&RC were selected over a period of 6 months, their blood groups were ascertained and their finger prints studied. Fingerprints were grouped under 3 major categories, i.e. Loops, whorls and arches. Association was assessed statistically using chi-square test.

Results: Male: female ratio was 1.8:1. Majority of the subjects (35.78%) in the study were of blood group O Positive followed by blood group B Positive, A Positive, AB Positive, O Negative, B Negative, A Negative and finally AB Negative, of whom 93.93% were Rh-positive. The general distribution of pattern of finger print showed high frequency (61.35%) of loops whereas whorls were moderate (35.14%) and arches were least (3.51%) in frequency. Almost same order was noticed in both Rh-positive and Rhnegative individuals or A, B, AB and O blood groups. Blood group O Positive showed more loops (62.86%) while, blood group B Negative had more whorls (55%) and blood group O Negative had more chances of having arches (6.67%) as compared to other blood groups. The ring finger more often has whorls (52.72%), where as the little finger more often has loops (79.23), both cases true irrespective of the blood group.

Conclusion: The study suggests an association between finger print pattern and blood group. The distribution of different pattern of finger prints in individual fingers also showed some peculiarities in relation to blood group.


Finger Print, Dermatoglyphic, Dactylography, Identification
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  • Dermatoglyphics and ABO Blood Groups, an Observational Study

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Revin Thomas
(GPRST1 with the East Cumbria GP Training Programme), Education Centre, Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle, Cumbria- CA2 7HY, United Kingdom
Saritha J Shenoy
Dept. of Physiology, Government Medical College, Gandhinagar, Kottayam, Kerala, India


Objectives: (a) To study distribution of finger print pattern among the subjects having different ABO and Rh blood group and (b) Identify any relation between their characters and blood groups.

Methods: 313 students at PIMS&RC were selected over a period of 6 months, their blood groups were ascertained and their finger prints studied. Fingerprints were grouped under 3 major categories, i.e. Loops, whorls and arches. Association was assessed statistically using chi-square test.

Results: Male: female ratio was 1.8:1. Majority of the subjects (35.78%) in the study were of blood group O Positive followed by blood group B Positive, A Positive, AB Positive, O Negative, B Negative, A Negative and finally AB Negative, of whom 93.93% were Rh-positive. The general distribution of pattern of finger print showed high frequency (61.35%) of loops whereas whorls were moderate (35.14%) and arches were least (3.51%) in frequency. Almost same order was noticed in both Rh-positive and Rhnegative individuals or A, B, AB and O blood groups. Blood group O Positive showed more loops (62.86%) while, blood group B Negative had more whorls (55%) and blood group O Negative had more chances of having arches (6.67%) as compared to other blood groups. The ring finger more often has whorls (52.72%), where as the little finger more often has loops (79.23), both cases true irrespective of the blood group.

Conclusion: The study suggests an association between finger print pattern and blood group. The distribution of different pattern of finger prints in individual fingers also showed some peculiarities in relation to blood group.


Finger Print, Dermatoglyphic, Dactylography, Identification
