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An Overview of Taxonomical Approaches for the Study of Endophytic Fungi

1 Department of Marine Biotechnology AMET University, Kanathur, Chennai – 603112 Tamil Nadu, India

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Due to abundance and diversity of fungi and endophytic fungi. Documentation of fungi and endophytic fungi are important work in the scientific research area and also fungi and endophytic fungi are a major resource of various applications. Hence, to duplicate the application of particular fungi in the Lab, their known identity should be known to the new researchers it also helpful to avoid the repetition of fungi in discovery of fungi. Taxonomic details resolve this problem of identification, therefore fungi and endophytic fungi taxonomic details are important to the researchers.


Documentation of Fungi, Endophytic Fungi, Taxonomic Details.
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  • An Overview of Taxonomical Approaches for the Study of Endophytic Fungi

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K. Gopi
Department of Marine Biotechnology AMET University, Kanathur, Chennai – 603112 Tamil Nadu, India
M. Jayaprakashvel
Department of Marine Biotechnology AMET University, Kanathur, Chennai – 603112 Tamil Nadu, India


Due to abundance and diversity of fungi and endophytic fungi. Documentation of fungi and endophytic fungi are important work in the scientific research area and also fungi and endophytic fungi are a major resource of various applications. Hence, to duplicate the application of particular fungi in the Lab, their known identity should be known to the new researchers it also helpful to avoid the repetition of fungi in discovery of fungi. Taxonomic details resolve this problem of identification, therefore fungi and endophytic fungi taxonomic details are important to the researchers.


Documentation of Fungi, Endophytic Fungi, Taxonomic Details.
