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Effect of Anti-inflammatory Activity of Aqueous, Hydro-ethanol and Methanol Extracts of Two Unani Formulations

1 National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders (NRIUM-SD), ESI-X-Road, Hyderabad - 500038, Telangana,, India
2 RRIUM,Srinagar ,Jammu and Kashmir., India
3 Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine 61-65, opp. D-Block, Janakpuri Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110058., India

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In view inflammation causes of development of some chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, diabetes, asthma. Cell model in vitro in an effort to provide an understanding about the cellular and molecular mechanism of Unani formulation are being used for treatment of various inflammatory diseases including arthritis for centuries. Method Antioxidant by DPPH assay. Cell viability through MTT assay. Measurement of NO level and ROS levels by (DCFDA) in RAW cells. Results in DPPH Assay showed all the extracts ofUNIM-302 shows good antioxidant activity when compared to UNIM301. UNIM drugs show no substantive cytotoxic activity against RAW macrophages cell line. UNIM301, UNIM 302 inhibited the production of Nitric oxide production in RAW cells. ROS the results found that UNIM301 and UNIM302 of all extracts could significantly inhibits the LPS stimulation and reduces production of ROS in RAW cells. In conclusion study demonstrated that both Unani formulations inhibits NO and ROS production in LPS induced RAW macrophages. Activity in all different extracts UNIM 302 exhibited better antioxidant compared to UNIM 301these unim formulation extracts can be used as natural sources of antioxidants potent anti inflammatory agent and exhibits inflammatory preventive properties.


Antioxidant, UNIM Medicine, RAW cells, UNIM 301, UNIM302, Macrophages.
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  • Effect of Anti-inflammatory Activity of Aqueous, Hydro-ethanol and Methanol Extracts of Two Unani Formulations

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Lahari Kuna
National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders (NRIUM-SD), ESI-X-Road, Hyderabad - 500038, Telangana,, India
Shravan, Kumar Ghali
National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders (NRIUM-SD), ESI-X-Road, Hyderabad - 500038, Telangana,, India
Towseef Amin Rafeeqi
RRIUM,Srinagar ,Jammu and Kashmir., India
Gulam Mohammed Husain
National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders (NRIUM-SD), ESI-X-Road, Hyderabad - 500038, Telangana,, India
Mohammed Abdul Waheed
National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders (NRIUM-SD), ESI-X-Road, Hyderabad - 500038, Telangana,, India
Ghazala Javed
Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine 61-65, opp. D-Block, Janakpuri Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110058., India
Munawwar Husain Kazmi
National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders (NRIUM-SD), ESI-X-Road, Hyderabad - 500038, Telangana,, India
Alokananda Chakraborty
National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders (NRIUM-SD), ESI-X-Road, Hyderabad - 500038, Telangana,, India


In view inflammation causes of development of some chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, diabetes, asthma. Cell model in vitro in an effort to provide an understanding about the cellular and molecular mechanism of Unani formulation are being used for treatment of various inflammatory diseases including arthritis for centuries. Method Antioxidant by DPPH assay. Cell viability through MTT assay. Measurement of NO level and ROS levels by (DCFDA) in RAW cells. Results in DPPH Assay showed all the extracts ofUNIM-302 shows good antioxidant activity when compared to UNIM301. UNIM drugs show no substantive cytotoxic activity against RAW macrophages cell line. UNIM301, UNIM 302 inhibited the production of Nitric oxide production in RAW cells. ROS the results found that UNIM301 and UNIM302 of all extracts could significantly inhibits the LPS stimulation and reduces production of ROS in RAW cells. In conclusion study demonstrated that both Unani formulations inhibits NO and ROS production in LPS induced RAW macrophages. Activity in all different extracts UNIM 302 exhibited better antioxidant compared to UNIM 301these unim formulation extracts can be used as natural sources of antioxidants potent anti inflammatory agent and exhibits inflammatory preventive properties.


Antioxidant, UNIM Medicine, RAW cells, UNIM 301, UNIM302, Macrophages.
