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An Importance - Performance Analysis of Destination Attributes by Women Travellers within the City of Pune

1 AISSMS College of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Pune (Affiliated to Savitri Bai Phule Pune University), Maharashtra

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In this paper researcher has used the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) scheme in order to analyse tourist destination satisfaction from various tourism attributes. On the basis of various service and tourism marketing literatures, the basic components of the destination typically referred to as A’s of tourism were selected and broken down into various micro parameters. The IPA scheme was applied on the responses collected from 100 respondents typically women travellers with in the city of Pune. Although the IPA scheme1 has been used in past research in the tourism field, only a few studies have applied this tool from a destination perspective. Based on the results, the paper concludes with outcomes and conclusions to help in framing the tourism strategy.


Destination, Travel Motivations, Attributes, Accessibility, Accommodation, Amenities, Ancillary Services, Comfort, Convenience, Safety, Hygiene, Government Support.
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  • An Importance - Performance Analysis of Destination Attributes by Women Travellers within the City of Pune

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Shweta Chandra
AISSMS College of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Pune (Affiliated to Savitri Bai Phule Pune University), Maharashtra


In this paper researcher has used the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) scheme in order to analyse tourist destination satisfaction from various tourism attributes. On the basis of various service and tourism marketing literatures, the basic components of the destination typically referred to as A’s of tourism were selected and broken down into various micro parameters. The IPA scheme was applied on the responses collected from 100 respondents typically women travellers with in the city of Pune. Although the IPA scheme1 has been used in past research in the tourism field, only a few studies have applied this tool from a destination perspective. Based on the results, the paper concludes with outcomes and conclusions to help in framing the tourism strategy.


Destination, Travel Motivations, Attributes, Accessibility, Accommodation, Amenities, Ancillary Services, Comfort, Convenience, Safety, Hygiene, Government Support.
